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Komplex štítnej žľazy

Komplex štítnej žľazy

1 celkové recenzie

Bežná cena €23,69
Bežná cena €27,99 Predajná cena €23,69
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Vrátane dane. Poštovné vypočítané pri pokladni.

How To Take It: Take 3 Capsules immediately before the first meal of the day

Podpora štítnej žľazy: Zlepšite svoj metabolizmus a zdravie štítnej žľazy

Štítna žľaza je kľúčová pre váš metabolizmus a celkovú pohodu. Nedostatočná funkcia štítnej žľazy môže viesť k únave, ťažkostiam pri zvládaní hmotnosti a výkyvom nálady. Preto sme vytvorili podporu štítnej žľazy , vedecky formulovaný doplnok navrhnutý tak, aby vášmu telu dodal kľúčové živiny potrebné pre optimálnu funkciu štítnej žľazy a robustný metabolizmus.

Čo odlišuje podporu štítnej žľazy?

Podpora štítnej žľazy sa odlišuje od iných doplnkov tým, že využíva len tie najkvalitnejšie zložky, z ktorých každá je vybraná pre svoju zdokumentovanú účinnosť pri starostlivosti o zdravie štítnej žľazy. Každá kapsula spája silnú zmes živín, ktoré harmonizujú, aby sa udržala rovnováha hormónov štítnej žľazy, zlepšili sa metabolické procesy a zlepšili celkové zdravie.

Hlavné výhody:

  • Podpora funkcie štítnej žľazy: Ingrediencie sú starostlivo vyberané na zvýšenie produkcie hormónov a udržanie hormonálnej rovnováhy.
  • Posilnený metabolizmus: Uľahčuje aktívnejší metabolizmus, pomáha pri chudnutí a udržiavaní zdravej hmotnosti.
  • Zvýšená energia a vitalita: Zvyšuje hladinu energie a zlepšuje celkový pocit pohody.
  • Emocionálna stabilita: Pomáha regulovať náladu a zmierňuje psychické a fyzické vyčerpanie.

Podpora štítnej žľazy je výsledkom prísneho procesu výberu, ktorý zabezpečuje, že každá zložka prispieva pozitívne a synergicky. Toto nie je len ďalší doplnok; je to cielená receptúra ​​navrhnutá tak, aby výrazne ovplyvnila vaše zdravie.

Tu je technickejšie vysvetlenie zložiek v doplnku na podporu štítnej žľazy :

Meď (2 mg) a mangán (2 mg)

Tieto mikroživiny sú kofaktormi v antioxidačných enzýmoch, ako je superoxiddismutáza, ktorá chráni bunky štítnej žľazy pred oxidačným stresom.

Folát (ako kyselina folínová, 400 µg)

Nevyhnutné pre metylačné procesy, ktoré regulujú expresiu génov a aktivitu hormónov, vrátane hormónov štítnej žľazy.

Selén monometionín (200 µg)

Rozhodujúce pre aktivitu glutatiónperoxidázy a jódtyroníndeiodinázy, enzýmov zapojených do syntézy a konverzie hormónov štítnej žľazy.

Molybdén (ako chelát aminokyseliny, 100 µg)

Podporuje metabolizmus siričitanov, ktorý je dôležitý pre udržanie optimálnej hormonálnej rovnováhy vrátane funkcie štítnej žľazy.

Vitamín B12 (metylkobalamín, 100 pg):

Životne dôležité pre tvorbu červených krviniek a neurologickú funkciu; nedostatky môžu napodobňovať alebo zhoršovať príznaky ochorenia štítnej žľazy.

L-tyrozín (750 mg):

Neesenciálna aminokyselina, ktorá je prekurzorom pre syntézu hormónov štítnej žľazy tyroxínu (T4) a trijódtyronínu (T3).

L-BAIBA (250 mg):

Myokín spojený so zvýšenou oxidáciou lipidov a zlepšenou toleranciou glukózy.

Guggul Gum (150 mg, štandardizované na 2,8 % Guggulsterone, 4,2 mg):

Stimuluje funkciu štítnej žľazy a potenciálne pomáha pri znižovaní hladín lipidov a cholesterolu.

Extrakt z kajenského korenia (štandardizované 2% kapsaicinoidy, 2 mg):

Podporuje termogenézu a oxidáciu lipidov, čo môže zvýšiť rýchlosť metabolizmu.

Forskohlii (100 mg, s 20 % Forskolin, 20 mg):

Aktivuje adenylátcyklázu a zvyšuje hladiny cyklického AMP, čím zvyšuje energetický metabolizmus.

Extrakt zo zŕn raja (40 mg):

Obsahuje bioaktívne zlúčeniny, ktoré zvyšujú energetický výdaj a môžu redukovať viscerálny tuk.

Každá zložka je začlenená nielen pre jej priamy vplyv na zdravie štítnej žľazy, ale aj pre jej úlohu v širších metabolických procesoch.

Vyrobené v zariadení registrovanom FDA.

About Thyroid and Thyroid Complex

Understanding Thyroid Complex Supplements

Thyroid complex supplements are designed to support thyroid health and provide the nutrients needed to control metabolism.

These supplements usually contain a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that work together to support the thyroid gland and hormone production, including a thyroid support complex.

In many countries, thyroid supplements do not require a prescription, so they are available to those who need thyroid support.

However, since they are food supplements, the regulations differ from those for pharmaceutical drugs and thyroid medication.

Labeling is required to inform consumers of the ingredients and effects of these supplements. Some jurisdictions also restrict health claims to prevent misinformation.

A well-designed thyroid complex includes iodine, selenium, and other essential minerals that support normal thyroid function.

These are important for thyroid hormone production and overall thyroid health. Also, these supplements provide nutritional support for thyroid conditions and overall wellness

How Thyroid Complex Supports Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland relies on various nutrients to produce thyroid hormones effectively.

Iodine, for example, is an essential element the body needs to produce thyroid hormones but can't produce itself.

Iodine is important for the thyroid gland to function normally and for energy metabolism.

Without enough iodine, the production of thyroid hormones can be impaired and lead to thyroid dysfunction.

Selenium is another important nutrient that plays a big role in thyroid health. It helps convert T4 into the active T3 form.

Iodine and selenium are important for normal thyroid function and for the thyroid gland to produce hormones.

L-tyrosine, the precursor for thyroid hormones T3 and T4, and zinc citrate, which supports the immune system, are also part of thyroid support complexes.

Thyroid hormone production is a complex process involving many signals, including nutritional intake and the presence of thyroid hormones.

Thyroid complex supplements provide all these necessary nutrients. They help maintain optimal thyroid function, support adrenal function and guarantee the production of thyroid hormones necessary for overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Thyroid Complex for Your Fitness Journey

For those on a fitness journey, thyroid complex supplements can be a lifesaver.

One of the benefits is increased metabolism, which makes weight loss easier, especially for those with slow thyroid function.

By supporting the thyroid gland, these supplements help boost metabolism and reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Increased energy is another big benefit of thyroid complex supplements, which can improve workout performance and overall physical activity.

When your thyroid function is optimized, you will feel more energized and ready to tackle your fitness goals. This energy boost will lead to better workouts and results.

Thyroid complex supplements also help to regulate mood, which is good during any fitness journey.

Combining increased metabolism, energy, and emotional stability makes thyroid complex supplements a must-have in your fitness routine.

These supplements can help achieve optimal thyroid function and improve overall quality of life.

Scientific Explanation of Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland is involved in growth and development by releasing hormones that affect many bodily functions.

Thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) are important for metabolism and energy levels in the body.

These hormones are synthesized in the thyroid follicles through a multi-step process involving the uptake of iodide, its oxidation to iodine, and subsequent binding to tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin.

Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) catalyzes the synthesis of T3 and T4. It facilitates the iodination of tyrosine and the coupling of iodothyronine to form the active thyroid hormone thyroxine.

These hormones are then stored in thyroglobulin until they get released into the bloodstream when needed.

The release of thyroid hormones is primarily regulated by Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), produced by the pituitary gland in response to signals from the hypothalamus.

Once released, T4 is considered a storage form of thyroid hormone and converted to the active T3 in peripheral tissues. This conversion is important for energy and metabolism.

Knowing this is important to understand how thyroid complex supplements can support normal thyroid function and overall health.

High-Quality Ingredients in Thyroid Complex

Choosing high-quality ingredients in thyroid complex supplements is important for your thyroid health.

Key ingredients like iodine, selenium, and vitamins B2 and B3 are important for thyroid function. These nutrients are needed for thyroid hormone production and overall thyroid health.

Minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, and selenium benefit the thyroid gland.

Zinc citrate supports the immune system and helps thyroid hormones in metabolic processes.

Similarly, L-tyrosine, a precursor for thyroid hormones, is an important component of thyroid support complexes.

Choosing high-quality ingredients ensures you give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal thyroid function.

This comprehensive nutrition supports normalizing thyroid function, energy metabolism, and overall wellness.

Legal Practices Surrounding Thyroid Supplements

Thyroid supplements are considered natural products, which affects their regulation and marketing.

As they are considered food supplements, they are regulated differently than pharmaceuticals.

This classification allows for easier access but also requires strict labeling to inform consumers of these supplements' ingredients and potential effects.

Accurate labeling prevents misleading information so consumers can make informed health decisions.

Some jurisdictions restrict health claims to prevent false or exaggerated claims. These regulations help keep thyroid supplements pure and safe.

Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have thyroid conditions.

A healthcare professional can guide you on the dosage and monitor for interactions with other medications.

Following these legal practices makes thyroid complex supplements a safe and effective way to support thyroid health.

Comprehensive Nutritional Support for Thyroid

Thyroid function needs comprehensive nutrition.

A balanced diet with nutrients like iodine, selenium, and adaptogenic herbs can help thyroid health.

Thyroid complex supplements usually have these nutrients to cover thyroid support.

Ashwagandha extract, known for its adaptogenic properties, is commonly included in thyroid supplements to help manage stress and regulate hormonal balance.

Stress management is important for thyroid health, as chronic stress can damage thyroid function.

Reducing inflammation and supporting stress management, thyroid complex supplements provide comprehensive nutritional support for optimal thyroid health.

Combining these nutritional elements with a healthy lifestyle and a varied diet can guarantee that your thyroid gland functions effectively.

This approach supports overall well-being and helps maintain normal thyroid function, promoting energy support and balanced normal energy-yielding metabolism, especially in cases of underactive thyroid.

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Terms and Conditions

Importation and Customer Responsibility

Results are not guaranteed and may differ from person to person. Supplements should be seen as a complement to, not a replacement for, a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Avoid exceeding the recommended daily dosage. Enhancedcoaching llc does not guarantee or take responsibility for any information presented on the Site. The content available here is purely educational and informational, and should not be used for self-diagnosis or for therapeutic purposes. This information does not replace professional medical advice. Users are encouraged to consult their physician for expert advice on their health condition and any potential treatments. Enhancedcoaching llc recommends always seeking advice from your general practitioner or a specialist. Users are solely responsible for how they use the information shared in this group. All content on this website, including text, graphics, images, and other information, is for informational purposes only. The content on this site is meant for general information and is not intended to replace medical advice or a professional medical prescription. The information shared on our platform is intended for healthy individuals; any dietary or exercise plan should be supervised by a qualified professional in accordance with local law. The authors, owners, and moderators of this website are not responsible for the information provided herein, as it is meant solely for educational purposes. Before beginning any dietary or exercise regimen, users should consult their healthcare provider. Please keep in mind that supplements can be a helpful addition to a training program or diet, but they are not essential and should not replace a proper diet. It is recommended not to misuse or exceed the suggested doses. Under no circumstances will Enhancedcoaching or any affiliated parties be liable for any potential damages arising from the use of products sold through the Site. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult your healthcare provider before using any supplements. The scenarios depicted on this page are intended for promotional and illustrative purposes concerning the Testo Complex product. Any similarities to real people, events, or places are purely coincidental and result from creative work. This is to ensure client confidentiality and privacy. The scenarios described in the product presentation are based on realistic events but are not associated with any identifiable person. 1. Customer’s Sole Responsibility for Importation ComplianceBy placing an order on this website, the customer acknowledges and agrees that all products  may be subject to local import regulations in the destination country. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that the importation of the ordered products complies with the laws and regulations of the destination country. The customer assumes all risks and liabilities associated with importing the products, including, but not limited to, compliance with customs regulations, obtaining necessary import licenses, permits, and ensuring product legality.2. Customs Duties, Taxes, and Additional ChargesThe customer is fully responsible for any and all customs duties, import taxes, fees, and any other charges imposed by the customs authorities or other regulatory bodies in the destination country. These charges are not included in the product price or shipping costs listed on this website and are solely borne by the customer. The customer acknowledges that such charges may vary depending on the destination country and that they are not the responsibility of the seller.3. Refusal of Delivery, Customs Seizure, and Non-ComplianceIn the event that a shipment is refused entry, delayed, detained, or seized by customs or other authorities due to non-compliance with the import regulations of the destination country, the customer bears all risks and costs associated with the incident. The seller is not liable for any refunds, reimbursements, or compensation for orders that are subject to such actions. Any costs incurred due to the return or disposal of products resulting from importation issues will be charged to the customer.4. Provision of Accurate Information and DocumentationThe customer is responsible for providing accurate information and any required documentation to facilitate the importation of products. This includes, but is not limited to, invoices, import licenses, and any additional documents required by customs authorities. Failure to provide accurate information or documentation may result in delays, additional costs, or the return or seizure of the shipment, for which the seller is not liable.5. No Liability for Non-Delivery Due to Import RestrictionsThe seller is not liable for non-delivery or failure to deliver products due to restrictions or prohibitions on importation imposed by the destination country. The customer accepts full responsibility for ensuring that the ordered products can be legally imported and used in the destination country. The seller makes no representations or warranties regarding the legality of the importation of the products into the customer’s country.6. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Importation RisksBy placing an order, the customer explicitly acknowledges and accepts all risks associated with the importation of the products, including but not limited to confiscation, legal proceedings, or financial loss resulting from non-compliance with local laws. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold the seller harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from the importation of products.


Testo Complex is not a medical product, and no claims are made regarding improvements to health or well-being, as effects may vary from one individual to another. Using Testo complex is not a substitute for any medical treatments prescribed by qualified professionals. Consult your doctor or a trusted specialist before using Testo Complex. The user is solely responsible for their use of Testo Complex. It is advised not to use Testo complex if it contradicts medical advice. Should you choose to use Testo Complex against medical recommendations, you assume full and exclusive responsibility for any potential consequences. All usage instructions and information on the product label are intended for informational purposes only, are subject to change, and do not constitute a treatment prescription. They are not intended to replace direct doctor-patient communication or specialist consultations. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or specialists concerning any instructions given. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of Testo Complex, it is important to consult your doctor to ensure it is appropriate for your health condition. Enhancedoaching llc, its directors, participants, employees, collaborators, and any successors disclaim any liability for damages resulting from the improper use of the lamp or its use against medical advice. They bear no responsibility for any harm that the user may cause to themselves or others due to misuse or illegal use of the lamp, information on this website, or any actions the website user may take independently of their healthcare provider’s recommendations.